March 08, 2006

Adventure is worthwhile :)

omg. Kelly Clarkson show was awesome. Two thumbs up for her :) :) I've never seen any singer nyanyi life i was really impressed by her voice and her on-stage skill (communicating with fans thingy). She can really sing; that's what i would say. Sangat sukeeeee.....ngehehehe! It looks like fatiha made the right choice indeed.

We left Mile End sangat awal sebab normally Hammersmith line memang slow nak mati lar kan.But dunno, maybe the tube was also in the Kely Clarkson's mood so the journey seemed so short to me. Like less than 1 hour? hehehe.We arrived there before Taj and Liza....went jalan2 for a while coz we never thought that the que would be like 2-3 miles away from the entrance? Ohwell, maybe takla sampai 2-3 miles tp jauhla jugaks :P While queing, Liza and Fatiha bought some fries and nuggets which Taj and I terpaksa 'tolong' diorang habiskan before we reached the entrance. ngehehe....thanks korang! ;)

The show started at 8.00pm by the TheFaders; the teenage girl group yang a bit different from other 'normal' teenage girl group. They produce buzz, guitar-based sound and sing about personal experiences that every teenager goes through(i think...hmmm). I have to admit i'm a buta-music type of when they first sang, i was like...errrrr, sape ni huh? -lol- Out of all the songs they sang, i only knew one.That's how bad i am larrrr...hihihii!

Kelly Clarkson came out at 9.00pm. Like 10 minutes before she keluar, i felt like my head was embedded with needles.Poking here and there. I started seeing double visions. And it's as if the world is moving round and round. I had to lay down, but where???? Ok,be cool rashidah.Breathe in, breathe out. Then my abdominal muscle started to contract. Shit, i think i need to go to the ladies now.It's U-R-G-E-N-T. But it's too far, and too many people to pass through. Also I was afraid that i might lose them. Nak taknak, i duduk jelah kat lantai. Fatiha said i looked pale. Urmm yeah, my brain tengah dahagakan oxygen. So i missed Kelly's opening song.Well, actually it was 1/3 of the concert. Taj and Liza said rugi :( I know, but i wouldnt want to faint there and then. Then it'll distract all of us. Daripada semua orang takley enjoy, it's better if i sorang je yang rugi. Riighhttt? I got better after a while...melompat-lompat and nyanyi together with crowd. Everything turned out normal again.Alhamdulillah.

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It was a great experience indeed. I dont mind going for another concert but maybe next time, i'll take the sitting area instead of the standing one. I'm still figuring out why i acted like that yesterday. I think the venous return decreases so less blood being pump into my heart.Thus it leads to less blood being transported to my brain. As far as i'm concern, i only have low haemoglobin levels but not low blood pressure. But come to think about it again, blood pressure can varies. It must have been because of my lack of sleep and skipping meals for the past few days. Hmmm it's time for me to start treating my body sebaik mungkin....or i might bring harm to myself. After all, i only have one body and one lifetime ;)

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