February 23, 2006

zaza+ibu+marriam+taj=FANTABULOUS WEEKAND!

*late post of my Southampton trip.Been busy doing i-dunno-wut... ngehehe. Pictures later ok :)

Belajar dari kesilapan lampau, i've decided to get moving seawal mungkin from mile end. Be early, not punctual; would be my new motto now. Plus, the thought of the crazee man yang tailed me from sainsburys till Qmary still menghantui diri.Yilun told me to bring along some chilli powder (hahaha...she's so silly but still adorable lar!). Megabus station was extremely packed!!!!Sosek napas den...haiyooo!Dahla bus tu delayed for half-an-hour.... haisshhhhh!!! Im lucky enough to meet a nice lady to accompany me along the journey. It turned out that she's a dietitian in Royal London Hospital...haha!What a small world indeed....

Zaza was already there, waiting for me at the bus stop when i reached soton.Kesian budak kecik tuh :) sorry dear, i forgot to tell u bout the delay!!!I'm sooo kodi, i know.hihihihi.While waiting for the bus nakgi hall zaza, ade these 3 indons tegur-ed us.And zaza was on the phone that time (ces!Pandai tul alasan nak lari from them.)I macam, ohgod ape nak buat ni?I end up buat2 bodoh as if tk paham bm.muahahaha :P last2 diorang blah jer!Ces...ade ke budak chomyl cam i ngan zaza standard utk indon? Sile lah!~

Ibu was sicked that weekand (sorry to trouble u, ibu.But the thought of you sanggup layan me and taj...so schweet la u!).On saturday, we went to Portsmouth.Do what girls luuveeeee to do :) yerp, you guess it right.It's S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G time.Taj was soooo excited about it (maklumlah, scholar Bank Negara!nyahnyahnyah). And she bought alot. i mean, ALOT! nyahnyahnyah. Hmm it's nice to see pantai (it was pantai kan ibu?hihihi) once in a while.Soothing.Calming.The feeling inside...it was great :D That night, Marriam came for dinner.We had our pillow talk throughout the night..trying to answer "The right person".hahaha.Faizura dropped by for a while which i think was so sweet of her...I mean, we are not closed friends pun.I baik dgn die through Alia....and die still dtg jumpe i.Thanks fy... sayangg u!

Sunday was our last day in Soton.First stop: ShakeAway.Yum yum. I picked chocolate brownies+apple pie+chocolate.Wow filling nak mampos pls?And sangat sedap oso...hehehe!Taj left for london around 11.45 a.m. Then off we went to the city centre....At first i planned to find a nice skirt nak pakai to UCL Malaysian Nite.Tapi hajat gue tak kesampaian dong...Soton terlalu mencintai gue sampaikan debit card gue pun ditelan.haihhhhh.I baru je masukkan card then terus on the screen "The machine is out of service.Please do not re-enter your pin no" WTF(flower?) i belum masukkan pin punnn...kodii lahhh!!!!! So i yang tak berduit, terpaksa menebalkan muka pinjam duit from zaza.Sorry dear to trouble you.Again.

To cut long story short, i really weally like southampton and i dun mind going there again.I'm not sure whether it's the location or wut, but it's definitely because of the great company.Zaza and ibu, thank you thank you so much. You guys were great host (the best!).Love you guys to bits.Merci.Gracias.

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